The Ancient Israelites: 
What role did migration play in the history of the Israelites?
The Ancient Israelites: What role did migration play in the history of the Israelites?
Their history is a series of migrations, including Abraham's journey to Canaan, the exodus from Egypt, and the Babylonian Captivity.
God's Covenant With the Israelites:
How did the Jews' beliefs differ from those of other nearby peoples?
God's Covenant With the Israelites: How did the Jews' beliefs differ from those of other nearby peoples?
Jews believed in one God. They believed that they had to uphold a covenant with God to obey God's laws.
Teachings on Law and Morality:
What is the source of basic moral laws that Jews must obey?
Teachings on Law and Morality: What is the source of basic moral laws that Jews must obey?
The Ten Commandments, found in the Torah's Book of Exodus.
The Scattering of the Jews:
How did the scattering of the Jewish people begin?
The Scattering of the Jews: How did the scattering of the Jewish people begin?
It began with the exile to Babylonia, after which some Jews chose not to return to Canaan.