Descartes believed
in using only known facts to arrive at conclusions
Lavoisier proved
that matter can change shape or form but cannot be created or destroyed
The Treaty of Tordesillas
divided new world trade between Spain and Portugal
The selling of slaves from Africa became known as
Triangular Trade
All of the following were reasons for interest in colonization except
political gain
People could make money by sharing in other businesses through
Joint Stock Companies
Spain main asset in the Americas was
Philip II lost the Netherlands for all of the following except
enslaving Dutch People
some African tribes participated in the slave trade
Spain defeated the Aztecs by attack them with guns and horses
Newtons work showed that the speed of light and sound were constant
Francis Bacon argued that all assumptions should be based on known facts
Unlike Spain Portugal had no interest in using colonization to spread Christianity
One reason for Spains decline was lack of industry
Philip II ruled as an absolute monarch
The Middle Passage describes the journey of Europeans to new colonies