Martin Luther leads this protest over the abuse of the Catholic church and it led to the founding of Protestant churches. A movement for religious reform. It led to the founding of Christian churches that did not accept the pope's authority.
Why was the Reformation important
Nearly 1/5 of the Christians in todays world are Protestants.
What caused the Reformation socially
The renaissance values of humanism and secularism led to people questioning the church. the printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the Church
What caused the Reformation Politically
Powerfull monarchs challenge the church as the supreme power. Many people challenged the Pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority.
What caused the Reformation Economically
Princes and kings were jealous of the church wealth. Merchants and others resented having to pay taxes to the Church.
What caused the Reformation Religiously
Some church leaders had become worldly and corrupt. Many people had found church practices indulgences.
When a position in the church is given to the son, daughter or brother of the bishop/pope ....POPes weren't supposed to have kids because not supposed to marry so people were questioning.
Is a pardon. It released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins. tetzel gave people the impression that by buying indulgences, they could buy their way into heaven.
Marting Luther
At the age of 21 he became a monk.....he prayed during a thunderstorm to Satint Anne. He relaxed that only by studying the Bible would faith alone be the key to salvation and only then did he experience peace. Initially trained to be a lawyer
Johann Tetzel
--Dominican priest --encouraged the sale of indulgences
John Wycliffe
--early reformer --english --Made the frist translation of the bible into english
Jon Huss
--Early reformer --Czech (bohemia) --he criticized the church and like Whycliffes ideas and expanded on them --he was burned at the stake
--Early Reformer and greatest of the the northern humanist --critized the church ---he didn't want people to leave the church/wanted people to to reform the church
Luther and his followers had become a separate religious group. Founded on the teachers of Martin Luther.
The Protestant Reformation
By Lewis W. Spitz....he quoted Martin Luther about him being bound to scriptures and bound to the word of God.
applied to Christians who belonged to Non-Catholic churches.
Peace of Augsburg
A religious settlement where each prince agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of their state.
To set aside/to cancel.....the pope could do this....for example, for a marriage, he did this for henry and said that there was proof that the marriage was never legal in the first place.
Anglican Church, Elizabeth was the head and the only legal church in England at the time.
Elizabeth I
Was like her father....danced, strong, stubborn, fierce tempered, strong-willed, arrogant and expected to be obeyed without question.
The 95 Theses
Luther took public his issues with a friar named Johann Tetzel who was raising money to rebuild St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. He was using indulgences. Luther was troubled by Tetzels tactics and wrote a formal statement. Luthers words that written on the door of the cassette church in Wittenberg later were printed and lathers actions became known as the reformation. Originally written in Latin.
Luthers Teachings
--people could win salvation lonely by faith in God's gift of forgiveness. Not with good works. --All people with faith were equal. You didn't need a priest to understand the bible.
The Popes Threat
Pope Leo X issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements about the Catholic church. This didn't work and Luther actually threw the threat around a bonfire and laughter and cheered and there it into the bonfire in Wittenberg.
the taking away of a person's right to membership in the Church.
is a person who holds beliefs that differ from official Church teachings.
Roman Catholicism (look at pg. 491 for following)
--Pope is the head of the church --salvation by faith and good works --church/bible are revealed truth --worhsip service is based on ritual --Priest interprets bible and church teachings for believers
--ministers lead congregations --salvation by faith alone --bilbe is sole source of revealed truth --worship service faced on preaching and ritual --believers interpret the bible for themselves
--council of elders govern each church --god as predetermined who will be saved --bilble is sole source of revealed truth --worshiop service focused on preaching --believers interpret the bible for themselves
--English monarch is head of the Church --Salvation by faith alone --Bible is sole source of revealed truth --Worship serve based on ritual and preaching --Believers interpret the Bible using tradition and reason
Henry VIII
Caused religious turmoil. His many marriages led to conflict with the Catholic Church and the founding of the Church of England. Read pages 492-494
Huldrych Zwingli
A Catholic priest in Zurich began the religious reform in Switzerland. He was influenced both by Erasumus and Luther.
God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved.
The religion based on Calvins teachings off predestination.
John Calvin
Young law student that grew up to spread Protestantism like Luther and wrote "Institutes of the Christian Religion" He wrote that it should not be "forbidden to laugh, or to enjoy food, or to add new possessions to old."
"Institutes of the Christian Religion"
Written by John Calvin and expressed ideas about God, salvation and human nature.
Calvin believed that this was the ideal government ....a government controlled by religious leaders.
John Knox
He put Calvins ideas to work. Each community church was governed by a group of laymen called elders or presbyters.
Followers of Knox became known as this.
Look at page 497 and answer map questions
greek word meaning "baptize again" Taught that church and state should be separate and they refused to fight in wars. They shared their possessions.
Marguerite of Navarre
woman of the reformations....protected John Calvin from being executed for his beliefs while he lived in France. Although catholic she supported the call for the reform of the church.
Katherina Zella
Quoted in Women of the Reformation.... women that were important during the reformation and wrote about their duties and their importance.
Catholic Reformation
While Protestant churches won many followers millions remained true to Catholicism....Helping catholics to remain loyal was a movement within the catholic church to reform itself known as the catholic reformation. Sometimes called the counter reformations because the leaders were reformers.
Ignatius of Loylola
Grew up in his fathers castle in Loyola, Spain. While recovering in war thought about the life of Jesus. He wrote a book called Spiritual Exercises that laid out a day-by-day plan of meditation, prayer and study.
Ignatius gathered followers and the pope created a religious order for his followers called the Society of Jesus and they were members of called Jesuits. Jesuits focused on 3 activities: --founded schools in Eroupe and were well0trained in classical studies and theology --mission to convert non-christians to catholicism --was to stop the spread of Protestantism.
Council of Trent
catholic church leaders that met in Trent in northern Italy and agreed on several doctrines..... --The Churchs interpretation of the bible was final --christians needed fatih and good works for salvations. --the bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding christian life. --indulgences were valid expressions of faith. But the false selling of them were banned.
Pope IV
Carried out the councils decrees.
Did many people burn Protestant bibles?
Yes, in Venice alone 10,000 books in one day were burned
a papal judicial process established to try and punish those thought to be heretics.