The Industrial Revolution began in ...
Great Britain
The Country Had land, Capital, and Labor - the basic resources or ... needed to industrialize
Factors of Production
The Industrial Revolution was Preceded by the this Revolution
Agricultural Revolution
Factors workers' wages were determined by several factors. (first)
Cost of land,
Factors workers' wages were determined by several factors. (second)
oversupply of workers
Factors workers' wages were determined by several factors. (third)
pay at other jobs
Factors workers' wages were determined by several factors. (fourth)
men owned more money then woman
Mass Production is based upon three essential elements. FIrst
Division of labor
Mass Production is based upon three essential elements. Second
Interchangeable parts
Mass Production is based upon three essential elements. third
assembly line
In 1798 ____ published _____ in which he wrote that the greatest obstacle to human progress is ____
Thomas Malthus, Principles of population, Population Increase
Philosopher that belived that government should work for the well being of all its citizens, and that there should be complete equality between men and women.
John Mill
To stengthen their position in relation to owners, workers organized in associations called .
Their Chif method of protesting working conditions was the ___ when they refused to work
In 1848 Karl Marx and _____ published an influential pamphlet called the ____, which outlined the ideas of marx.
Federish Engels , Communist Manifiesto
Authoriorian socialism, or ____, is an economic and political system in which the government owns almost all the means of production and controls economic planing