What were Diocletian and Constantine's social and economic policies based on?
Diocletian's and constantine's political and military reforms enlarged two institutions, the army and the civil service, which drained public funds
In early Rome, praetors were in charge of what type of laws?
Civil law- law that applied to Roman citizens (pg 148) Chief executive officers of the Roman republic
Describe the classes of the Plebeians and Patricians.
Plebeians Less wealthy land owners small farmers, craftspeople, and merchants were part of this group. Men were citizens and could vote Partitions Wealthy landowners, who became rome's ruling class. Men could vote and be elected to office
What form of government is described as a leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote? People are elected to represent the public.
Explain what the Roman Senate was and who participated.
Group of people who made laws: 300 particians
How did Julius Caesar, the first dictator of Rome, die?
He was assassinated
Explain the poet Juvenal's quote, "...there's only two things that concern them: Bread and Circuses," (p.165)
The only thing that people cared about was if they had food on their table and good entertainment
Who was the first Christian Roman emperor?
Diocletian believed the Roman Empire had grown too large for a single ruler. How did he change this?
He divided the empire into the East and West, he rules the West
Who belonged to the First Triumvirate? The second?
first Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar second Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
How did the Roman emperor keep the poverty-stricken masses pacified?
Distract them from politics with fights in the Colosseum
Why did the Romans view Christians as harmful?
they did not want Christianity to threaten roman morals, also Christians refused to worship the state Gods and the emperors
Explain why Christianity was able to attract so many followers.
the emerging of the bishop allowed the religion to be more organized, the christian message had much to offer to the roman world, and Christianity welcomed everyone with no painful initiation
What happened to the Gracchus brothers? What were they trying to accomplish?
they were both Romans who served as tribunes. They attempted to pass land, reform legislation that would distribute land to the poor
give and explain 3 reasons for the fall of Rome
invasion by barbarian tribes Rome had problems with barbarian tribes for centuries, but when they started moving closer to the boarder the Romans created an uprising. They were eventually sacked by the Visigoths. Eventually the vandals overthrew Augustus Economic Troubles constant wars and overspending had made the currency less valuable, and inflation made the gap between the rich and the poor much larger. Many Rich people fled to avoid a taxman. Expansion stopped and then there were less slaves, so nit as much work was being done over expansion and military overspending with to much land to govern the Romans had a hard time communicating quickly, even with the road system. The struggled to have enough troops to defend themselves. with more funds being added there was less advancement
why was Constantine victory at the milvian bridge so important?
by winning this battle Constantine became the first christian emperor of Rome. He ended the division of land into four parts and he became the main leader. he then issued the Edict of Milan which meant that Rome gained more tolerance for christian religion
name three emperors and say what they did to impact Rome
Vespasian raised taxes in Rome, he reclaimed all public land, he built temples and the Colosseum, gave Rome a lot more money Nero ended secret trials and gave the senate more independence., he also banned capital punishment Augustus Romes first emperor promising to restore peace and security, he ended 100 years of civil war, and had 40 years of internal peace and prosperity
ruled with strict laws and harsh rules, helped reform and stabilize Rome, divided the empire into four units with Constantine
poured into southern Spain and Africa and then in 455 they sacked Rome
settled as Roman allies after having pressure put on them by the Huns. They later revolted, and defeated the Romans
deposed by the Germanic head of the army usually taken as the date of the fallen western roman empire
Romulus Augustulus
made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire
Theodosius the Great
Jewish teacher traveled and preached throughout Judea and neighboring galilee
gladiator who led the most famous slave revolt in southern Italy and involved 70,000 slaves
real name is Octavian, and became the imperator, he began a new system of governing the provinces
select group of about 300 particans who served for life, they had to advise government officials also had the force of law
both fled to Egypt after being defeated by Octavian then they committed suicide
antony and Cleopatra