First great ruler of the Byzantine Empire; Empire decreased after his reign
Capital of the Byzantine Empire; located in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey)
political system that organizes society and power; includes the 6 major roles of medieval society
manor system
economic system that organizes labor; includes the vassal-serf relationship
land owner in medieval society who pledged loyalty to another in exchange for the land
bound to the land; owes portion of production to a vassal; first allegation to vassal
code of conduct for Knights
King who converted to Christianity in order to gain support of conquered people
Charles Martel
Led the Franks against the Muslims at the Battle of Tours
Battle of Tours
Stopped the Muslim advance into Europe
sacred religious rites of the church
worldly or not religious
banished from the church, may be a person or an entire kingdom; cannot receive the sacraments
papal supremacy
the pope has full, supreme, and universal power
canon law
rules of the church
due process of law
freedom from arbitrary arrest
King John
Norman King of England who signed the Magna Carta; made enemies of nobles and the pope
Joan of Arc
French peasant who encouraged nationalist ideas and was determined to reclaim France; important leader during the Hundred Years' War
Great Council in Britain that was responsible for approving/disapproving taxes; House of Lords and House of Commons
Pope Urban II
Called for first Crusade against the Muslims; Promised crusaders forgiveness of sins and immediate entrance to heaven
Western Schism
One of the crises of the 1300s during which the Catholic Church was split. Multiple leaders claimed to be the true pope.
Famous battle that the British lost to William the Conquerer and the Normans; Began French rule in Great Britain
habeus corpus
a person must be charged with a crime before being put in jail
Spanish Inquisition
church trials started by Ferdinand and Isabella for the purpose of making Spain entirely Christian
United most of Europe into largest empire since the Romans; created the Holy Roman Empire by expanding Christianity in Europe; Empire divided after his death