Enlightenment Thinkers
People who questioned authority and studied for a better society, such as Karl Marx and Adam Smith.
The reason for censorship of Enlightenment authors
Kings/Popes did not want the populace to learn about the truth, because they were in power due to the things they told. (mostly concerning religion)
The impact of the Scientific Revolution on the Enlightenment
People began to question the church and begin practices such as the scientific method.
Gutenberg's printing press and its impact
A tool used to copy papers before there was a modern printing system. At the time, this made books more common and in less value so that the populace could both enjoy and learn from them.
Adam Smith's Laissez-faire (supply and demand free market)
Basically Capitalism.
John Locke
An enlightenment thinker who thought that humanity, at heart, was morally good.
The Seven Years' War impact in America and France
France lost money, but not as much as Britain--who decided to tax America which leads to their rebellion.
The Congress of Vienna
A union of rulers within Europe who vowed to keep their power and attempted to destroy all rebellion
Napoleon's impact on Latin America Revolutions
He inspired the revolutions of Latin America
Napoleon Bonaparte
Revolutions in Haiti, Mexico, and Gran Columbia
The impact of educated creoles in Latin American Revolutions
The French Revolution
The French defy the King and Queen due to taxes, they end up slaughtering the rich and the royal family with the guillotine.
Changes in government from feudalism up to republics
Borders begin to be created